
Saturday, October 11, 2014


And so begins this weekend...

Occasionally, it's just a good idea to hit the "reset" button, and I think that's what Saturdays are meant for. All of which begs the question, how do you define a "reset"? Do you just use the day to "reset" your mind from the past week? Or, do you use this day to begin something new? I guess the answer really depends on the circumstance. If the prior week was more stressful than usual, then perhaps taking a step away from the world for a day, might be your best bet. However, if you're coming off of a productive week, then perhaps beginning something new, keeping your mind on "fast forward", could very well help to start or continue a streak of success.

Beginning something new may just be the best answer for the weekend, regardless of the prior week's circumstances. This process encourages and inspires our inner need to grow. And, it's difficult to grow without the resistance that comes with experiencing something new (and there's always some kind of resistance, it's not easy to change habits). Training our mind to see other possibilities offers us the best potential for growth, so why not hit that "reset" button? Try something new and see where it leads.

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