
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bridging the Mini Gap...

 Bridging the Mini Gap...

Wednesdays are generally known as the middle of the week, although, Thursdays can be a type of mini"bridging" day, connecting Wednesdays to Fridays. Here we build upon what Wednesday left us and set up our Friday, which will either be a TGIF or a OMGIF (oh my God it's Friday) experience.

These kind of "mini bridges" help to build a steady continuation of the week in general, which should extend to the month, year... and so on. However, it's how we build these bridges is what will establish a reliable continuation, even potential back up plans if needed. Let's try to make today's bridge one based upon a reliable foundation rather than one based upon unexpected urgency. Simply put, living a life based more upon "expected outcomes" leads to a more fulfilled life in general, so let's start working on building that bridge.

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