
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Climbing over the hill...

Here we are the middle of this week, here we begin to find out if this weekend will indeed be a good one or not. Granted things can change day to day, but it's always good to have a bearing on things to come.

Wednesday are generally known as "hump" days, it is precisely the mid week day for most, and if we can just get over this "hump" all will be good (or so is the common thought). However, in this aspect all days are in fact "hump" days, "if we can just get by today, maybe tomorrow will be better".

I've written earlier all days are in fact "preludes for tomorrow" but it's also good every now and then to look at a general period of time from a spectator's point of view. What have we done and where are we headed are important concepts to lay out the foundation for your life, and if life continues on a path that doesn't feel right either from an spiritual concept or even the more mundane monetary concept, then perhaps it's time to change course. We really can't live a fulfilled life if this life is full of worry, where we're in both a state of spiritual strife and where we can't pay our bills if the money isn't there after all. And, while we need to deal with the problems that appear from time to time, we shouldn't be in a position where the problems of day to day are a constant, frankly it's hard to grow as an individual if there are.

Let this day be begin your "hump" year, take a step back, ask yourself  "where are you headed" and determine your path from there.

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