
Friday, October 17, 2014

Searching for that high note...

 Hitting that high note...

Fridays, while the end of the work week, can be and should be, the prelude to the weekend. In my case, I have a performance with my local Civic Chorale this Sunday, so this Friday is a little different for me as other Fridays. But, I think each weekend should be that way, really something to look forward to with eager anticipation. Rather than approaching your weekend with an attitude of resting, we should approach these two days as an opportunity to explore or experience something new.  Granted, this is a theme I've actually mentioned before, but this is a theme worth repeating.

Search for that high note this weekend (in my case I'm searching for this both literally and figuratively).  Build up your Saturday with a crescendo that's ever escalating to a climatic Sunday. Set up your next week on that high note!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bridging the Mini Gap...

 Bridging the Mini Gap...

Wednesdays are generally known as the middle of the week, although, Thursdays can be a type of mini"bridging" day, connecting Wednesdays to Fridays. Here we build upon what Wednesday left us and set up our Friday, which will either be a TGIF or a OMGIF (oh my God it's Friday) experience.

These kind of "mini bridges" help to build a steady continuation of the week in general, which should extend to the month, year... and so on. However, it's how we build these bridges is what will establish a reliable continuation, even potential back up plans if needed. Let's try to make today's bridge one based upon a reliable foundation rather than one based upon unexpected urgency. Simply put, living a life based more upon "expected outcomes" leads to a more fulfilled life in general, so let's start working on building that bridge.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Digging In...

And so begins Tuesday...

Here we "dig in" and build upon what we established on Monday. This truly is the first day of the "meat" of the week (I consider Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays as such). Stand fast and "dig in" as the week is only beginning to shape up. Also, being a "meat of the week" day, should open up ideas of innovation. For example, how can we more efficiently structure this busy day?

In a sense, think of the day as working hard to find a way to work more efficiently, freeing up time to for other endeavors. It is difficult enough as it is to find time for other things, so we should try to make this time through efficiency, let's dig in today so we can flourish tomorrow.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Ready, Set...

How do you approach your Mondays? Is it with a sense of dread or a sense of anticipation? Do you like to hit the ground running, or are you tip toeing around? Well, now is the time to start this weekly work week race and how we finish this race is determined on how we start.

So, ready, set and go!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Beginning Again...

 An opportunity to begin again...

 Sundays can be viewed as either the end of the week or the beginning of a new week. I'm more of the latter type of interpretation. How we approach Sundays can have an affect on our Mondays. Whether your Sunday mornings have a morning sermon, if you're just relaxing to a good ball game, or just taking the afternoon to browse a good book or going out to a good movie, it all adds up for either a Monday morning jumping off point or a Monday morning blues. 

I've written previously about the benefits of starting something new, especially on the weekends, well Sundays can also be viewed as an opportunity to "begin again". This "prelude for tomorrow" should always be approached with a hopeful promise, as we never really know what our future may hold. However, having a hopeful promise just over the horizon, is an infinitely better outlook than an anticipation of dread. One attitude is encouraging while the other is simply limiting. Time to hit that reset button and begin again!

Here's to a hopeful promise!

Saturday, October 11, 2014


And so begins this weekend...

Occasionally, it's just a good idea to hit the "reset" button, and I think that's what Saturdays are meant for. All of which begs the question, how do you define a "reset"? Do you just use the day to "reset" your mind from the past week? Or, do you use this day to begin something new? I guess the answer really depends on the circumstance. If the prior week was more stressful than usual, then perhaps taking a step away from the world for a day, might be your best bet. However, if you're coming off of a productive week, then perhaps beginning something new, keeping your mind on "fast forward", could very well help to start or continue a streak of success.

Beginning something new may just be the best answer for the weekend, regardless of the prior week's circumstances. This process encourages and inspires our inner need to grow. And, it's difficult to grow without the resistance that comes with experiencing something new (and there's always some kind of resistance, it's not easy to change habits). Training our mind to see other possibilities offers us the best potential for growth, so why not hit that "reset" button? Try something new and see where it leads.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Cleaning up the week...

Friday, October 10, 2014

And, so we end another "work week". The reason for the quotations is simple, for some of us, this really isn't end of the work week, but still, there comes this sense of freedom with the weekend, and for those of us who work for others we can set our own schedule with the weekends and possibly look for other opportunities. 

However, business is still business, today marks what I term as a "clean up" day. We make sure all of the affairs for this past week are up to date and then begin plans for the next. For many, today is usually greeted with a TGIF (thank God's it's Friday) and for others (especially owners and accounts payable people) today can be OMGIF (oh my God, it's Friday), but either way it's a clean up day.

I hope this Friday is more of a version of a TGIF rather than an OMGIF.